Ways to Get Involved
Children's Ministry
Our church is slowly but surely growing in this department. We do not have many kids in our congregation, but the ones we have are so blessed by the teachers who pour into their lives. We have a new renovated nursery where kids age 3 through 2nd grade get to have children’s church during the sermon each Sunday.
Our biggest event for the children’s ministry is our Vacation Bible School every summer.
Clifton Youth Group (CYG)
We are so blessed at Clifton CoC to have families with teenagers who make up CYG. Our students participate in camps, retreats, mission trips, and weekly Bible Studies. Some of the bigger items that fill students enjoy include: Minnesota Mission Trip, when the summer interns come, Group Dynamix, and LTC.
We have a 5-7th grade class and 8-12th grade class on Sunday mornings and the whole group meets on Wednesday nights also.
Ladies Bible Class (LBC)
The real heartbeat of our congregation is the Ladies Bible Class who meets weekly on Wednesdays (they take a break during the summer). If you want something to get done, just ask the LBC to help. There is not a better place for Christian community than our Ladies Bible Class. You can often find them eating lunch together somewhere here in Clifton.
Men's Ministry
Every Thursday at lunch time in the Fellowship Hall men get together for ROMEO (Retired Old Men Eat Out). Also, once a month a few men from church serve at the Clifton Food Bank.
Clifton has a heart for serving the local community and around the world. Our church is actively involved in serving here in town and working with the Ministerial Alliance to bless the community. We send funds, sponsor missionaries, and go on mission trips each year. Some of the more noteworthy services include Neighborhood Clifton and the Haiti Mission Trip.
Serve Here at our Building
We could not function without the time and energy volunteered by our members each week. From teaching children’s classes and running the sound booth to preparing communion and cooking food for a Sunday luncheon, there are many ways to get involved at our building.